DepEd MOOC Fact Sheet (2022) – UPDATED! This factsheet gives an overview of the WinS MOOC for school and division levels, including the instructional methodology. DepEd WinS Monitoring results indicate that the course has significant impact on percentage of schools improving their star level after participation in the MOOC compared to schools that did not continue reading : WinS Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) Fact Sheet 2022 (Updated)
WinS Monitoring Results 2019-2020
This monitoring report presents the results of the WinS monitoring for SY 2019-2020. It contains information about the participation of schools in the monitoring process, the star rating of schools, compliance to crucial indicators and WinS level of practice by thematic area. It also compares the WinS baseline and follow-up results. TSA WinS Monitoring Booklet continue reading : WinS Monitoring Results 2019-2020

WinS Monitoring Results SY 2018-2019
This monitoring report presents the results of the WinS monitoring for SY 2018-2019. It contains information about the participation of schools in the monitoring process, the star rating of schools, compliance to crucial indicators and WinS level of practice by thematic area. It also compares the WinS baseline and follow-up results. TSA WinS Monitoring Booklet continue reading : WinS Monitoring Results SY 2018-2019

Deworming Booklet
The WASH in Schools (WinS) Three Star Approach Implementation Booklets offer concrete steps that schools can take to realize the Department of Education Comprehensive WinS Policy and Guidelines (DepEd Order No. 10, series of 2016). The booklets are anchored on the global concept of the Three Star Approach that helps prioritize doable essentials to start off their continue reading : Deworming Booklet

Hygiene Booklet
The WASH in Schools (WinS) Three Star Approach Implementation Booklets offer concrete steps that schools can take to realize the Department of Education Comprehensive WinS Policy and Guidelines (DepEd Order No. 10, series of 2016). The booklets are anchored on the global concept of the Three Star Approach that helps prioritize doable essentials to start off their continue reading : Hygiene Booklet

Sanitation Booklet
The WASH in Schools (WinS) Three Star Approach Implementation Booklets offer concrete steps that schools can take to realize the Department of Education Comprehensive WinS Policy and Guidelines (DepEd Order No. 10, series of 2016). The booklets are anchored on the global concept of the Three Star Approach that helps prioritize doable essentials to start off their continue reading : Sanitation Booklet

Water Booklet
The WASH in Schools (WinS) Three Star Approach Implementation Booklets offer concrete steps that schools can take to realize the Department of Education Comprehensive WinS Policy and Guidelines (DepEd Order No. 10, series of 2016). The booklets are anchored on the global concept of the Three Star Approach that helps prioritize doable essentials to start off their continue reading : Water Booklet

DepEd WinS Brochure
The Philippine Department of Education WASH in Schools (WinS) Three Star Approach Brochure presents an overview of the WinS program. The brochure shows a message from the Secretary of Education, orients readers on Three Star Approach cycle, the Three Star criteria and how School-Based Management serves as a pathway for schools to take action on continue reading : DepEd WinS Brochure